We are Already Build Solution for...

Puredome LLC

Streamlining Sales and Marketing Operations: A HubSpot Onboarding Case Study of Puredome

Mednefits S

Mednefits Sdn Bhd

Boosting Market Presence and Lead Generation for Mednefits in the Malaysian market.

Event Planner Expo

Event Planner Expo NY

Streamlining Success - A Case Study of Event Planner Expo, New York


Hudson Furniture Pty Ltd

Fueling Digital Growth: A Comprehensive Case Study of Hudson Furniture.


Puredome LLC

Streamlining Sales and Marketing Operations: A HubSpot Onboarding Case Study of Puredome



Boosting Market Presence and Lead Generation for Mednefits in Malaysia

Event Planner Expo

Event Planner Expo

Streamlining Success - A Case Study of Event Planner Expo, New York

Talentroom LLC

Talentroom LLC

Driving Success with Strategic Cold Calling: Team CloudSource's Partnership with Talent Room


Puredome LLC

Streamlining Sales and Marketing Operations: A HubSpot Onboarding Case Study of Puredome



Boosting Market Presence and Lead Generation for Mednefits in Malaysia

Event Planner Expo

Event Planner Expo

Streamlining Success - A Case Study of Event Planner Expo, New York

Talentroom LLC

Talentroom LLC

Driving Success with Strategic Cold Calling: Team CloudSource's Partnership with Talent Room


Puredome LLC

Streamlining Sales and Marketing Operations: A HubSpot Onboarding Case Study of Puredome



Boosting Market Presence and Lead Generation for Mednefits in Malaysia

Event Planner Expo

Event Planner Expo

Streamlining Success - A Case Study of Event Planner Expo, New York

Talentroom LLC

Talentroom LLC

Driving Success with Strategic Cold Calling: Team CloudSource's Partnership with Talent Room

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Client Testimonial

Customer feedback

Blenda Eltz

Their speedy communication and delivery, creativity and growth mindset make for an unique skillset that has helped our company to accelerate brand awareness, client engagement and sales conversions. 

Tan, S.Y.

They created customized dashboards and reports that streamlined our processes and provided valuable insights. Their consultation on HubSpot usability was equally invaluable.

Penkin, M.

Ali and the CloudSource team are tremendously responsive and supportive. The have helped us map out and implement customisation, workflow and deal pipeline management in HubSpot in a consultative and intelligent way.

Shainfeld, W.

The creativity, effective onboarding and management for HubSpot has lifted our revenues. This has lead to more traffic, engagement and conversions after many have reached these custom solutions they developed for us. 

Nastasa, E.

Through their proactive approach and insightful guidance, we were able to improve campaigns, generate more leads, and improve customer engagement. 

Paul Ingster

Ali did a fantastic job helping with Calven's migration to HubSpot and providing us with onboarding training and support. A pleasure to work with.

Ening, P.

thoughtful and understanding. Good communicators and know exactly what they are doing.

Nagarajah, A.

This allowed us to develop a trusted partner in our marketing initiatives. For startups, they are a great partner to have through your scaling journey.

Clapp, T.

We have enjoyed partnering with the team at TeamCloudSource, in particular Ali Razzak, over the past couple of years on various projects. This has included outbound marketing and sales as well as Hubspot consultation and marketing pipeline automation.

Hwang, A.

Ali, Jim and the team were instrumental in our growth transition as a start-up company. Always ready to assist, delivering valuable insight on lead generation and HubSpot management. 

Bessoni, G.

Love working with Ali and his team of customer service and sales reps.




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  • 09 page responsive website

  • 5 PPC Campaigns

  • 10 SEO Keywords

  • 5 Facebook Camplaigns

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